So here's my recipe, taken from bits and pieces of other places.
Cold brew coffee
5-8 tablespoons of coffee depending on how strong you want it.
(I use anything from Gevalia to Folgers. We don't have many coffees to choose from where I live.
3 cups of cool water, filtered if you prefer.
A few sprigs of fresh mint (optional)
Then add water
Cover but do not plunge the press down...if you are using a jar just cover.
Wait 12 hours.
I usually just make it at dinner and finish the next morning.Press down coffee if using a press, then pour over into container.
Boom. You're done.
Now you can keep it in the fridge for up to a week. I add a little coconut or almond milk to mine. You can add ice and water, you can heat it, add stevia, or simple syrup. All of that is up to you.
The coffee will taste a little different in that the heat didn't change the chemical compound of the bean. Also it keeps all of the antioxidants in.
Yum! I want to try this. Have you tried the soy or coconut coffee creamers? They're delish and have that half and half consistency that I find myself missing with the regular milks.